¡Puedes ganar 1 Bicoin!

Compra WEBSS del 1º de Agosto al 1º de Septiembre y podrás ganar:


Primer lugar: 1 Bitcon!

Segundo lugar: 5 ETH's


Tercer lugar: 10 BNB's

¿Cómo participar?

  • Haz click en el botón de arriba para darte de alta en nuestra wallet 
  • Realiza una compra mínima de 50 Dlls ¡y ya estás participando!
  • El sorteo será en vivo  por medio de nuestro canal de Youtube el día Domingo 1º de Septiembre a las 8:00 pm horario NY.


Participas con los números de tu usuario único, designado en la Websser Wallet.

Los premios serán anunciados del tercer al primer lugar, si resultas ganador, te contactaremos directamente al correo electrónico con el que te diste de. alta en la Websser Walllet.

*Los premios se darán en WEBSS



Currently, Websser and Bast Solutions are working together on Bitcoin mining at a medium industrial level in Mexico. Together they manage several complexes with machines dedicated to solving mathematical equations and obtaining Satoshis (Bitcoin). It is expected that hundreds of Asic’s will be incorporated in the future, thanks to the viability of having the energy issue at the best cost on the market.

Minas WBS Coin

A clear objective

The business model is aimed at achieving a clear objective: for WEBSS to do something that no other project in the world of cryptocurrencies is doing, that is, WEBSS=BTC (Satoshis) parity.

Wbs Coin igual a Satoshi



The Websser project is financially supported by the users who use this technology, through the exchange of services transaction. We are also looking for benefits for people who acquire WEBSS (Websser coin), either in its pre-sale, ICO or by listing on different international portals, as well as in centralized or decentralized exchanges.

